In light of the representations received from candidates seeking rescheduling of 

dates of the Joint CSIR-UGC NET Examination June-2021 due to clash with some major examinations being held on 05 and 06 February 2022, and difficulties experienced due to the same, it has been decided to reschedule the dates of the Joint CSIR-UGC NET Examination June-2021.

The revised dates of examination are as follows:

Old Dates

29 January, 05 February and 06 February 2022

New Revised d Dates 

29 January, 15 February- 18 

February 2022

The detailed date sheet will be uploaded soon.

Click below link to download pdf notice. 

Candidates are advised to regularly visit NTA website(s) www.nta.ac.in, 

https://csirnet.nta.nic.in for the latest updates regarding the examination.

For any queries or /clarifications, candidates can call NTA Help Desk at 011 

40759000 or write to NTA at csirnet@nta.ac.in.


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