1. Which temperature is required for activation of plate?

a)  110-120 C°

b) 120-130 C°
c)  130-149 C°
d) 150-160 C°

2. Which is not Requirement of mobile phase?
a)  It should be not toxic.
b) It should be easily available.
c)  It should be chemically inert.
d) It should be chemically active.
3. How much time is required to dry TLC plate?
a)  15 minutes
b) 30 minutes
c)  10 minutes
d) 7 minutes

4. Which type of mobile phase is used in paper chromatography ?
a)  The mobile phase which gives Rf value range between 0.1-0.3
b) The mobile phase which gives Rf value range between 0.2-0.8
c)  The mobile phase which gives Rf value range between 0.8-1
d) The mobile phase which gives Rf value range between 0.6.

5. When there are two complex mixture are separated which development technique of paper Chromatography is used?
a)  Ascending
b) Descending
c)  Radiation
d) Two dimensional

6. How much time is required to saturate of chamber?
a)  12 hour
b) 24 hour
c)  6 hour
d) 10 hour

7. Which force is responsible for the separation of the components in descending paper chromatography?
a)  Partition
b) Adsorption
c)  Gravity
d) All of the above

8.  Which is not development technique of paper Chromatography?
a)  Two dimensional
b) Ascending
c)  Descending

9. What is the principle of the paper chromatography ?
a)  Partition
b) Adsorption
c)  A and B
d) None of the above

10. Rf value is
a)  Distance travelled by the compound at it’s point of maximum.
b) Distance travelled by the standard.
c)  Solvent travelled
d) None of the above

11. Which type of filter paper is mostly used in paper chromatography?
a)  Butter paper
b) Sample paper
c)  Whatmann filter paper
d) Filter paper

12. Which factor is not affect in stationary phases in paper chromatography ?
a)  Thickness
b) Flow rate
c)  Purity
d) Freezing point

13. Size of spot in paper chromatography is
a)  2-5 mm
b) 1-2 mm
c)  7-8 mm
d) 6-8 mm

14. What is the ratio of  Isopropanol: Ammonia: water in mobile phase?
a)  5:3:1
b) 6:7:8
c)  9:1:2
d) 3:3:6

15. How many percentage of the Beta cellulose in stationary phase?
a)  0.3-1%
b) 2-4%
c)  3-7%
d) 2-4%

16. Which method is useful for separation of thermally stable and volatile substance?
a)  NMR
b) Mass sepctroscopy
c)  HPLC
d) Gas Chromatography.

17. Which sentence is true about gas Chromatography?
a)  It has gaseous stationary phase.
b) It is not used to volatile substance.
c)  It is work on principal of the adsorption and partitions.
d) When stationary phase is liquid it is called a GSC

18. Which liquid is used in GLC?
a)  Kiesulghur
b) Diatomaceous earth
c)  A and B
d) None of the above

19. Which solid are used in GC?
a)  Alumina
b) Carbon
c)  Granular silica
d) All of the above

20. In GLC, which condition is not suitable for stationary phase?
a)  Low vapour pressure
b) Non volatile
c)  A and B
d) None of the above 

Under study Material for M.Sc. Chemistry First Year