(Pdf) Class 12 Toppers Chemistry Handwritten Notes Pdf
by Desh Deepak A P S ChauhanAdmin—0
हेलो दोस्तों आज में आपके लिया लेके आया हूँ, 12th Chemistry Handwritten Notes. इस पोस्ट में आपको सब Chapters के नोट्स बिलकुल साफ़ सुथरी लिखावट में मिलेंगे | यह नोट्स Toppers ने बनाये हैं| हमने बहुत मेहनत से आपके लिया यह नोट्स लाये हैं |
हम जानते हैं की बच्चो को नोट्स की बजह से बहुत परेशानी का सामना करना पड़ता है | इसीलिए मैंने आपकी जरुरत को देखते हुए आज 12th Chemistry Handwritten Notes नोट्स लाये हैं| यह नोट्स स्टूडेंट्स के लिये बिलकुल फ्री हैं ।हमारे 12th Chemistry Handwritten Notes में कुल मिलाकर 16 Chapters हैं | अगर आपने Chemistry 11th class को पड़ा है तो आपको 12th कि Chemistry भी बहुत Interesting लगेगी। यह नोट्स हमने उन बच्चों के लिए Specially Uploadकिये हैं, जो Financially बहुत गरीब हैं | और वो पैसे से Notes नहीं खरीद सकते और ना ही वो अच्छी Coaching में Admission ले सकते हैं।
जब में 12th Class में था तो मुझे नोट्स बनाने लिए बहुत मेहनत करनी पड़ी थी। आप लोगों को कोई Problem न हो इसीलिए हम आपके लिए यह नोट्स लाए हैं। नीचे आपको 12th Chemistry Handwritten Notes मेंआने वाले Chapters की लिस्ट Provide करवाए हैं।
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General Principles, Processes Of Isolation Of Elements
p- block Elements
d and f Block Elements
Cordination Compounds
Haloalkanes and Heloarenes
Alcohol, Phenol And Ether
Aldehyde, Ketones And Carboxylic Acid
Chemistry in Everyday Life
SyllabusTypes of solids.Amorphous solid.Crystalline solids.Classification of solids.Structure of crystalline solids.Different types of solids.Square packing.Hexagonal packing.Types of cubic unit cells.Types of voids.Trigonal voids .Octahedral voids .Cubic voids .Ionic voids.Fluorite Structure.Metal excess defect.Metal deficiency effect. Types of solution.Expression of concentration of solutions.Solubility of gas in liquid.Solid solution.Colligative properties.Relative lowering of vapor pressure.Rault’s law.Elevation of B.P.Depression of freezing point.Osmotic pressure.Determination of molecular masses using colligative properties.Abnormal molecular mass.Van Hoff factor. Redox reaction.Conductance in electrolytic solution.Specific and molar conductivity.Variations of conductivity with concentration.Kohlrausch’s Law.Electrolysis and laws of electrolysis.Dry cell.Electrolytic cell.Galvanic cell.Lead accumulatorE.M.F of a cell.Standard Electrode Potential.Nernst equation and its applications to chemical cells.Relation between e.m.f of a cell and Gibbs energy changeFuel cell.Corrosion Rate of Chemical ReactionFactor Influencing Rate of A ReactionDependence of Rate on ConcentrationRate depression and Rate ConstantOrder of ReactionMolecularity of a reactionIntegrated Rate Equation.Zero Order Reaction.First Order Reaction.Half Life of Reaction.Pseudo First Order Reaction.Temperature Dependence of Rate of a Reaction.Effect of Catalyst.Collision Theory of Chemical Reactions. Adsorption – physisorption and chemisorption.factor affecting adsorption of gases on solid.colloids distinction between true solution , colloids and suspensions.lyophilic and lyophobic.Multimolecular and macromolecular colloids.Properties of colloids.Tyndall effect.Brownian movements.Electrophoresis.Coagulation.Emulsion – types of emulsions. Principles and methods of extracting.Concentration.Oxidation.Reduction.Electrolytic method and refining.Occurrence and Principles of extraction of copper, zinc iron and aluminum, Group 15 Elements General introduction.Electronic Configuration.OccurenceOxidation States.Trends In Physical and Chemical Properties.Nitrogen Preparation and its properties and usesCompounds of Nitrogen.Preparation and properties of Ammonia.Preparation and Properties of Nitric Acid. Group 16 Elements General introduction.Electronic configuration.Oxidation states.occurrence.Trends in physical and chemical properties.dioxygen: preparation, properties and uses.Classification of oxides.Ozone.Sulphur-allotropic forms.Compounds of Sulphur.Preparation properties and uses of Sulphur-dioxide.Sulphuric Acid: properties and uses.Oxoacid of Sulphur. Group 17 Elements General introductionElectronic Configuration.Oxidation States.Occurrence of Elements.Trend in Physical and Chemical Properties.Compounds of Halogens.Preparation, Properties and Uses of Chlorine.Preparation, Properties and Uses of Hydrochloric Acid.Interhalogen compounds.Oxoacid of Halogens. (Structure only) d and f Block Elements General Introduction.Electronic Configuration.Occurrence and characteristics of transition metals.General trends in properties of the first row.Transition metals metallic character.ionization enthalpy.Oxidation States.Ionic radii.Color Catalytic property.Magnetic properties.Interstitial compounds.Alloy formation.Lanthanoids- Electric configuration, Oxidation states and Lanthanoid contraction and its consequences. Coordination Compounds: Introduction.ligands.Coordination Number : Colour , magnetic properties and shapes.IUPAC nomenclature of mono nuclear Coordination Compounds.Binding, isomerism.Importance of Coordination Compounds.Extraction of metals and biological system. Haloalkanes: Nomenclature.Nature of C-X bond.Physical and chemical properties.Mechanism of substitution reaction.Haloarenes: Nature of C-X bond.Substitution reactions.Directive influences of halogens in mono- substituted compounds only, uses.Environmental effect of trichloromethane, tetra chloromethane, iodoform Alcohols: nomenclature, methods of preparation.Physical and chemical properties of primary alcohol.Identification of primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols.Mechanism of dehydration.Uses of methanol and ethanol.Phenols: Nomenclature, methods of preparation.Physical and chemical properties.Acidic nature of phenol.Electrophilic substitution reactions.Uses of phenols,Ethers: Nomenclature, methods of preparation.Physical and chemical properties of Ether.Uses of ether.
Aldehyde and ketone : Nomenclature, nature of carbonyl group.
Methods of preparation.
Physical and chemical properties.
Mechanism of nucleophilic addition.
Reactivity of alpha hydrogen in aldehydes.
Uses of aldehydes.
Carboxylic Acids: Nomenclature, acidic nature.
Methods of preparation.
Physical and chemical properties, and uses of carboxylic acid.
Amines: Nomenclature.
Methods of preparation.
Physical and chemical properties.
Identification of primary, secondary and tertiary amines.
Cyanides and isocyanides.
Diazonium salts: preparation.
Chemical reaction.
Importance of synthetic organic chemistry
Carbohydrates: Its Classification, Monosaccharides , oligosaccharides and its importance.
Protein: Elementary idea of – amino acids, peptide bond, polypeptides.
structure of proteins – primary , secondary , tertiary structure and quaternary structures , denaturation of proteins.
Vitamins – Classification and functions.
Classification – natural and synthetic method of polymerization.
Some important polymers.
Natural and synthetic like polythene, nylon, polyesters, backlite, rubber.
Class 12 Toppers Chemistry Handwritten Notes Pdf: In this article, you will be able to download the best notes for Chemistry subjects. If you feel chemistry is an important subject then you must download our chemistry notes. We have given all the chapters (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21) of your book chemistry. Our class 12 notes for the subject Chemistry will help you in preparing for your final exams. Your final exams of Chemistry will be held in March or April. These chemistry pdf notes are short, regularly updated, and according to the syllabus set by the CBSE board.
Our Chemistry syllabus pdf notes are free of cost. We have given Chemistry chapter-wise notes. Each and every topic of 12th chemistry has been explained in neat and clean handwriting. It will also increase your interest in class twelve chemistry. The difficult chapters of chemistry have been explained in such a way that the students feel it is super easy to learn and practice.
In preparing the notes for Chemistry our topper students helped us a lot. These students have got very good marks in Chemistry. After that our expert Chemistry teachers have cross-checked these notes. Then finally we made this study material to help you excel in Chemistry.
Chemistry is an important subject of your class 12th. If you download these notes from our website, you need not get tuition classes from any Chemistry Teacher. You can prepare almost all the topics of Chemistry on your own. If you need the help of a Chemistry teacher, you can contact us in the comment box below. We will provide you with a Chemistry notes free of cost.
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