O level Chemistry Notes by www.chemistryabc.com

Pure Chemistry

Full study materials for o level chemistry boards in Singapore, London, New York alike institute locations available here. 
In chemistry classes, we have a culture of two-way communication. Students do not come in and sit and listen.
Every lesson, as our tutor goes through each lesson’s material is being provided by www.chemistryabc.com , students will be prompted on questions with regards to certain concepts and at the same time, students can ask any question to the tutor via our Facebook page.
This allows students to understand what are their gaps and what concepts they have successfully acquired. Practice questions are given weekly after the tutor goes through the concept and students have taken down the relevant notes.


Powerpoint slides customized by our expert and topper students of various universities will be provided to all students. Each chapter is broken down into individual concepts supplemented with relevant examples. Through the use of diagrams and concept maps etc, these tools enhances understanding of the concepts . Customised worksheets divided into 3 different levels will also be practiced after going through each topic. Level 1 questions are used to reinforce the concepts taught, A level 2 short answer questions focuses on writing keywords in answer AND O level 3 questions are used to introduce inference and analysis which helps students tackle skills needed in N/O level science.


Not your typical tuition centre.
Chemistry ABC was founded in 2017, with the philosophy of providing for the academic needs of BOARD & UNIVERSITY Students to the fullest, regardless of their current level of academic ability. It is why here at ChemistryABC.com , we do not implement any internal examinations. We believe that all students deserve our unconditional commitment and guidance. It is with this philosophy that we ensure our future classes will be in small sizes and our curriculum personalized. We want to provide the most tailored solution for all board and university students to excel. All students are different in their learning style and pace, and Chemistry ABC does its best to cater to All students’ differential needs.

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