Semester I Inorganic Chemistry syllabus

Semester I Syllabus
Core Course
Paper Code CHCC-101 Inorganic Chemistry
Credits 04.                  Hours 60

Course Objective: The objective of this course is to provide students coming in the first year of Masters programme new
and advance understanding into the bonding properties of normal compounds and coordination complexes and their concomitant optoelectronic and magnetic applications.

Course Outcome:

CO-1. Students gain newer insight regarding the symmetry, bonding, electronic and magnetic
properties of inorganic compounds and coordination complexes.

CO-2. This forms the basis of the development of newer molecule based materials which can offer
attractive electronic properties at the molecular level, supermolecular and supramolecular level. 

CO-3. Also, the content dealing with the magnetic properties may create zeal amongst the students to design and develop new single molecule magnets which now a day are getting
attraction as the contrast agents in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Unit I Symmetry and group Theory in chemistry:

Symmetry element and operation, definition of mathematical group, sub group, cyclic group, conjugacy relation and classes, point symmetry group (Schonflies symbols), use of point group symmetry: optical activity, dipole moment, representation of group by matrices, character of representation, the great orthogonality theorem (without proof) and its importance, irreducible representation, character table and their use.
Unit II Stereochemistry and Bonding: Among main group compounds:

VSEPR, Walsh diagrams (tri-and penta-atomic molecules), dp pp bonds, Bent rule and energetics of Hybridization, some simple reaction of covalently bonded molecules

Unit III Among Transition Metal complexes:

Limitation of crystal field theory, Molecular orbital theory, Octahedral, tetrahedral and squareplanar complexes, p-bonding and molecular orbital theory.

To see the suggested books for this syllabus visit 

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