Latest WhatsApp features you must check for Admins

If you enjoy attending big gatherings for personal or professional reasons, you should download one of the most significant WhatsApp updates that has just been released. Since WhatsApp's group member cap has been increased, users can now create groups with up to 512 members. 
Both iOS and Android users may now access the new functionality, which was launched on June 10. Before, WhatsApp group chats could only have 256 participants. 

A few months ago, WhatsApp also unveiled emoji reactions, a 2GB file sharing restriction, and a larger group capacity feature. The larger group chat is now available, even though the greater file size and emoji reactions capabilities were always available.

The number of members in a WhatsApp group has been extended to 512.

With its updated for iOS and for Android versions, WhatsApp group chat can now accommodate up to 512 participants. This indicates that users of the newest version of WhatsApp can now expand a group chat to include 512 participants. 

If you don't already have the most recent version of WhatsApp, you can download it from the iOS App Store or the Android Google Play Store. 

To find out if this new version is available for you, establish a group, go to the add participants page, and look for 0/512 options. Use the most recent version of the software, please.

In addition to offering more group functions, WhatsApp has upped the maximum file size that may be sent in a chat to 2 GB. 

Users could previously only attach files up to 100MB in size, but that limit has now been increased to 2GB, making it simpler to transfer large media like films.

Additionally, the app is implementing a message editing tool, an undo function for chats that have been deleted, and a double verification code when signing into a new device. 

The double verification feature will most likely be made available to beta testers of WhatsApp soon. Any successful attempt to log into a user's WhatsApp account from a different device after the functionality becomes available will need to be confirmed with a separate verification code.

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