Advancements in Milk Oligosaccharides

Advancements in Milk Oligosaccharides

over the past decade, there has been a significant amount of research conducted on milk oligosaccharides (MOs). Here are some of the key findings and advancements:

  1. Beneficial effects on infant health: Studies have shown that MOs provide a range of benefits for infants, including promoting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, reducing the risk of infection, and supporting the development of the immune system.

  2. Structural analysis of MOs: Advances in technology have made it possible to analyze the complex structures of MOs, revealing a greater understanding of their composition and functions.

  3. MOs as prebiotics: MOs have been found to act as prebiotics, stimulating the growth of specific beneficial bacteria in the gut.

  4. Bioengineering of MOs: Researchers have explored ways to bioengineer MOs to enhance their properties and functions.

  5. MOs in dairy industry: MOs have gained attention in the dairy industry as they have potential applications in food formulations and as functional ingredients.

  6. MOs as therapeutics: MOs have been studied for their potential therapeutic applications in treating various health conditions, such as inflammation and cancer.

  7. MOs in maternal milk: Researchers have explored the variations in MOs in maternal milk and how they may impact infant health and development.

  8. MOs in non-mammalian milk: MOs have also been identified in the milk of non-mammalian species, such as birds and fish.

Overall, the past decade has seen significant progress in our understanding of MOs and their potential applications in promoting human health and development.

Milk sugar structure elucidation 

nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is a powerful analytical technique that has been widely used to elucidate the structure of milk sugars, also known as lactose.

Lactose is a disaccharide composed of glucose and galactose linked by a β-1,4 glycosidic bond. The anomeric carbons (C1) of each sugar residue can exist in either an α or β configuration, resulting in four possible stereoisomers. NMR spectroscopy can distinguish between the α and β anomers based on their chemical shifts, which reflect the electronic environment of the carbon atom.

One-dimensional (1D) proton NMR spectroscopy is commonly used to analyze lactose, as the protons in the sugar residues exhibit distinct chemical shifts that are sensitive to their local environment. For example, the proton on the anomeric carbon (H1) of the glucose residue is shielded by the neighboring oxygen atom, resulting in a downfield shift (at around 5.2 ppm) compared to the corresponding proton on the galactose residue (at around 4.6 ppm).

Two-dimensional (2D) NMR techniques, such as correlation spectroscopy (COSY) and nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy (NOESY), can provide additional information about the conformation of lactose molecules in solution. These techniques allow for the identification of coupling patterns between protons in the sugar residues and the detection of through-space interactions between protons that are close in three-dimensional space.

Overall, NMR spectroscopy is a powerful tool for the structural analysis of lactose and other milk sugars, providing valuable information about their stereochemistry and conformation in solution.

How to elucidate oligosaccharides structure

Elucidating the structure of oligosaccharides is a complex process that often requires a combination of analytical techniques. Here are some of the main steps involved:
  1. Isolation and purification: The first step in structural elucidation is to isolate and purify the oligosaccharide of interest from the complex mixture in which it is found. This may involve techniques such as chromatography and electrophoresis.

  2. Mass spectrometry: Mass spectrometry (MS) can be used to determine the molecular weight of the oligosaccharide and provide information about its composition. Various types of MS, such as MALDI-TOF and ESI-MS, can be used depending on the size and complexity of the oligosaccharide.

  3. NMR spectroscopy: Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is a powerful tool for structural analysis of oligosaccharides. One-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) NMR techniques can be used to identify the constituent sugar residues, the linkages between them, and the relative configuration of the glycosidic bonds.

  4. Chemical and enzymatic cleavage: Chemical and enzymatic cleavage of the oligosaccharide can be used to break it down into smaller fragments, which can then be analyzed using MS and NMR spectroscopy. For example, glycosidases can be used to cleave specific glycosidic linkages between sugar residues.

  5. Chromatography: Chromatography techniques, such as HPLC and TLC, can be used to separate the individual components of the oligosaccharide mixture based on their physical and chemical properties.

  6. Computational modeling: Computational methods, such as molecular dynamics simulations and molecular docking, can be used to predict the conformation and interactions of oligosaccharides with other molecules, such as proteins and enzymes.

Overall, elucidating the structure of oligosaccharides is a complex and challenging process that often requires a combination of analytical techniques and computational modeling.

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