progress in milk oligosaccharides research

Over the past decade, there has been a significant amount of research conducted on milk oligosaccharides (MOs). Here are some of the key findings and advancements:

  1. Beneficial effects on infant health: Studies have shown that MOs provide a range of benefits for infants, including promoting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, reducing the risk of infection, and supporting the development of the immune system.

  2. Structural analysis of MOs: Advances in technology have made it possible to analyze the complex structures of MOs, revealing a greater understanding of their composition and functions.

  3. MOs as prebiotics: MOs have been found to act as prebiotics, stimulating the growth of specific beneficial bacteria in the gut.

  4. Bioengineering of MOs: Researchers have explored ways to bioengineer MOs to enhance their properties and functions.

  5. MOs in dairy industry: MOs have gained attention in the dairy industry as they have potential applications in food formulations and as functional ingredients.

  6. MOs as therapeutics: MOs have been studied for their potential therapeutic applications in treating various health conditions, such as inflammation and cancer.

  7. MOs in maternal milk: Researchers have explored the variations in MOs in maternal milk and how they may impact infant health and development.

  8. MOs in non-mammalian milk: MOs have also been identified in the milk of non-mammalian species, such as birds and fish.

Overall, the past decade has seen significant progress in our understanding of MOs and their potential applications in promoting human health and development.

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