Chemistry of Water Purifiers.

Chemistry of Water Purifiers.

Chemistry of water purifier in Uttar Pradesh 
There are different types of water purifiers available in the market, and the chemistry involved in each of them can vary. However, some of the common types of water purifiers and their chemistry are as follows:

Reverse Osmosis (RO) Water Purifier:
RO water purifiers use a semi-permeable membrane to remove impurities and contaminants from water. The membrane has pores that are smaller than the size of most of the contaminants in the water, such as dissolved salts, minerals, and heavy metals. Water is forced through the membrane at high pressure, leaving behind the contaminants, which are then flushed away. The RO process also removes beneficial minerals from the water, which can be added back through a post-treatment stage.

Ultrafiltration (UF) Water Purifier:
UF water purifiers also use a membrane to remove impurities and contaminants from water, but the pore size is larger than in RO membranes. UF membranes are typically used to remove larger particles such as bacteria, viruses, and cysts. The UF process does not remove dissolved salts and minerals from the water.

Activated Carbon (AC) Water Purifier:
AC water purifiers use activated carbon to remove impurities from water. The activated carbon has a large surface area and can adsorb impurities such as chlorine, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and other organic contaminants. The AC process does not remove dissolved salts and minerals from the water.

UV Water Purifier:
UV water purifiers use ultraviolet light to disinfect water and kill bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms. The UV light damages the DNA of the microorganisms, rendering them unable to reproduce and causing them to die. The UV process does not remove dissolved salts and minerals from the water.

Ion Exchange (IE) Water Purifier:
IE water purifiers use ion exchange resins to remove dissolved ions from water. The resin exchanges one type of ion in the water for another type of ion that is attached to the resin. IE water purifiers are typically used to remove hardness-causing ions such as calcium and magnesium from water.

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Modular Kitchen Instrumentation.

Instrumentation of modular kitchen 

Instrumentation in a modular kitchen refers to the equipment and tools that are used to prepare, cook, and store food. Some common instruments used in a modular kitchen include:

Cooking Range: A cooking range is an essential instrument in any kitchen. It typically includes a gas or electric stove, an oven, and a grill.

Microwave Oven: A microwave oven is used for quick heating, reheating, and cooking of food.

Refrigerator: A refrigerator is used to store perishable foods and keep them fresh. It is available in different sizes and designs.

Food Processor: A food processor is used to chop, grind, and blend food ingredients quickly and efficiently.

Mixer Grinder: A mixer grinder is used for grinding and mixing food ingredients.

Dishwasher: A dishwasher is used for washing dishes and utensils. It saves time and energy compared to manual dishwashing.

Chimney: A chimney is installed above the cooking range to remove smoke, odor, and heat from the kitchen.

Water Purifier: A water purifier is used to purify drinking water and remove impurities.

Kitchen Scale: A kitchen scale is used to measure ingredients accurately.

Cookware: Cookware includes pots, pans, and other vessels used for cooking and baking.

Kitchen Tools: Kitchen tools include knives, spoons, spatulas, tongs, and other tools used for cooking and serving food.

Overall, the instrumentation in a modular kitchen should be chosen based on the individual's cooking needs and preferences.

In Uttar Pradesh, different types of water purifiers are used depending on the specific needs of the area and the contaminants present in the water source. It is important to select a water purifier that is appropriate for the specific water source and contaminants present in the water.

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