Staining methods for TLC plates to detect ATP, ADP, and AMP

Staining options for kinase reactions.

Staining methods for TLC plates to detect ATP, ADP, and AMP
Do you running kinase reactions and trying to visualize the production of ATP, ADP, AMP from various reactions using a PEI Cellulose F TLC plates 

There are several staining methods available for TLC plates that can detect ATP, ADP, and AMP. Here are a few options that you could try:

Ninhydrin Staining: This method is commonly used to detect amino acids on TLC plates but can also be used to visualize ATP, ADP, and AMP. After developing your TLC plate, spray it with a solution of ninhydrin and heat it at 100-110°C for 10-15 minutes. ATP, ADP, and AMP will appear as purple spots.

Dragendorff's Staining: This method is typically used to detect alkaloids but has been shown to stain ATP, ADP, and AMP as well. After developing your TLC plate, spray it with a Dragendorff's reagent and heat it at 100-110°C for 10-15 minutes. ATP, ADP, and AMP will appear as orange-red spots.

Potassium Permanganate Staining: This method is a little more involved than the previous two but has been shown to effectively stain ATP, ADP, and AMP. After developing your TLC plate, dip it in a solution of potassium permanganate for a few seconds, then rinse it with water and dry it. Next, dip the plate in a solution of sulfuric acid for a few seconds, then rinse it with water and dry it. Finally, heat the plate at 100-110°C for 10-15 minutes. ATP, ADP, and AMP will appear as brown spots.

I hope one of these methods works for you. Good luck with your experiments!

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