Atomic Structure and Periodic Table:

1. The atomic number of an element is equal to the number of:
   a) Protons
   b) Neutrons
   c) Electrons
   d) Nucleons

2. Which subatomic particle has a negative charge?
   a) Proton
   b) Neutron
   c) Electron
   d) Positron

3. The maximum number of electrons that can be accommodated in the first energy level is:
   a) 2
   b) 8
   c) 18
   d) 32

4. An element with atomic number 6 belongs to which group of the periodic table?
   a) Alkali metals
   b) Halogens
   c) Noble gases
   d) Alkaline earth metals

5. Which of the following elements has the highest electronegativity?
   a) Sodium
   b) Potassium
   c) Chlorine
   d) Fluorine

6. The isotope of hydrogen that contains one proton and two neutrons is called:
   a) Protium
   b) Deuterium
   c) Tritium
   d) Helium

7. The periodic table is arranged in order of increasing:
   a) Atomic mass
   b) Atomic number
   c) Neutron number
   d) Proton number

8. The element sulfur has how many valence electrons?
   a) 2
   b) 4
   c) 6
   d) 8

9. The element with the symbol 'K' belongs to which period of the periodic table?
   a) 2nd period
   b) 3rd period
   c) 4th period
   d) 5th period

10. The atomic radius generally:
    a) Increases across a period and decreases down a group
    b) Decreases across a period and increases down a group
    c) Increases both across a period and down a group
    d) Decreases both across a period and down a group

States of Matter:

21. Which of the following is an example of a substance with a definite shape and volume?
    a) Gas
    b) Liquid
    c) Solid
    d) Plasma

22. The process of a liquid changing into a gas at its boiling point is called:
    a) Sublimation
    b) Melting
    c) Condensation
    d) Vaporization

23. Boyle's law states that, at constant temperature, the pressure of a gas is:
    a) Directly proportional to its volume
    b) Inversely proportional to its volume
    c) Directly proportional to its temperature
    d) Inversely proportional to its temperature

24. The phenomenon of diffusion is most rapid in:
    a) Gases
    b) Liquids
    c) Solids
    d) Plasmas

25. The critical temperature of a substance is the temperature:
    a) Below which the substance is a solid
    b) Above which the substance is a gas, regardless of pressure
    c) At which the substance condenses to a liquid
    d) At which the substance sublimates

26. The pressure exerted by a gas is directly proportional to its:
    a) Volume
    b) Temperature
    c) Amount (moles)
    d) Density

27. The process of a solid changing directly into a gas is called:
    a) Sublimation
    b) Condensation
    c) Evaporation
    d) Fusion

28. The intermolecular forces in gases are generally:
    a) Stronger than in solids
    b) Stronger than in liquids
    c) Weaker than in liquids
    d) Absent

29. Which of the following gases has the lowest density at the same temperature and pressure?
    a) Oxygen
    b) Nitrogen
    c) Helium
    d) Carbon dioxide

30. An increase in pressure will cause the volume of a gas to:
    a) Decrease, according to Boyle's law
    b) Increase, according to Boyle's law
    c) Decrease, according to Charles's law
    d) Increase, according to Charles's law

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