Step-by-step procedure for fumigation of a biochemistry lab:

Step-by-step procedure for fumigation of a biochemistry lab:

1. **Preparation**: Gather necessary materials including potassium permanganate (KMNO4), pyridine, formaldehyde, cotton balls, and petri plates.

2. **Safety Measures**: Ensure proper ventilation in the lab by opening windows and turning on exhaust fans. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves and a lab coat.

3. **Setting Up Petri Plates**: Place a small amount of potassium permanganate (KMNO4) in the center of each petri plate.

4. **Adding Pyridine**: Using a dropper, add pyridine to the cotton balls until they are saturated. Place the pyridine-soaked cotton balls on top of the potassium permanganate in each petri plate.

5. **Adding Formaldehyde**: With caution, add formaldehyde to each petri plate. The formaldehyde will react with the potassium permanganate and pyridine to release fumes that act as a fumigant.

6. **Exiting the Lab**: It is crucial to leave the lab immediately after adding formaldehyde to the petri plates. Close the door behind you to contain the fumes within the lab.

7. **Ventilation**: Allow sufficient time for the fumes to disperse and the fumigation process to take effect. Ensure that the lab is properly ventilated before re-entering.

8. **Post-Fumigation Cleanup**: Dispose of used materials properly and clean any spills or residues according to laboratory safety protocols.

9. **Safety Check**: Before resuming lab activities, perform a safety check to ensure that the fumigation process was successful and the environment is safe for work.

Remember to always follow appropriate safety procedures and guidelines when performing fumigation in a laboratory setting.

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