Chemistry research in India

In the five years 2011-2015 Indian researchers have published 62,448 papers in 557 journals. 

In terms of % share, India (with 6.9% of the world’s publications) is behind only China (25%) and USA (17%). But only 0.86% of papers from India are among the top 1% of the most highly cited papers of the world, compared to 4.86% of papers from Singapore, 2.65% of papers from USA, 2.09% of papers from China, 1.87% of papers from the UK, 1.71% of papers from South Korea and 1.6% of papers from Germany. Papers from India are cited 14.68 times on average compared to cites per paper of 45.34 for Singapore, 30.47 for USA, 23.12 for China, 26.51 for the UK, 21.77 for South Korea and 24.77 for Germany. Less than 39% of papers from India are found in quartile 1 (high impact factor) journals, compared to 53.6% for China and 53.8% for South Korea. Percent share of papers in quartile 1 journals from India is lower than that for the world for all of chemistry and for each one of the eight categories, viz. analytical, applied, inorganic & nuclear, medicinal, multidisciplinary, organic, physical and electrochemistry whether one considers data for the entire five-year period or for 2015 alone.