Chemistry PhDs in Germany | Ruhr University Bochum Bochum

Detailed List Of Chemistry PhDs in Germany. (Ruhr Univ.)

Ruhr University Bochum Bochum, Germany

The iGSS is an education and training program for graduate students within the German Cluster of Excellence Ruhr Explores Solvation, RESOLV, that supports the early research careers of solvation scientists in experimental (bio)chemistry, theory and chemical engineering.

Visit the official programme website for more information


*The Integrated Graduate School Solvation Science from Ruhr University of Bochum, iGSS, takes part in the Graduate School Scholarship Program of the DAAD, which provides competitive funding for two international students a year. Please visit our Jobs & Training page for more information and updated deadlines.*

Doctoral degrees are granted by the appropriate faculty, which include the departments of chemistry and biochemistry, chemistry and chemical biology, physics, and engineering at Ruhr-Universität Bochum, TU Dortmund University, and Universität Duisburg-Essen.

  • Visit the official programme website for more information

Both, students with an A-Grade Master's degree (iGSS Track I) or with a top-class Bachelor's degree (iGSS Track II) have the chance to work in an inspiring and most exciting research environment. 

The programme

Within RESOLV (Ruhr Explores Solvation), more than 200 scientists at six institutions in the Ruhr area covering experimental chemistry, theory and chemical engineering investigate how solvents are involved in the control, mediation and regulation of chemical reactions and processes. RESOLV's mission stretches from fundamental research to the translation into applications such as green technologies or smart sensors.

The graduate programme is structured, in that there is a curriculum for doctoral students to strengthen their early research careers in solvation science. iGSS aims at combining high-profile research and early independence along with internationalization and gender mainstreaming. Additionally, the graduate program offers interdisciplinary training elements such as a three-month internship at one of our partner institutions of the International Faculty (IF), the annual iGSS workshops, Summer Schools, lectures and colloquia; see the Training Schedule section for more details.

The programme also follows the traditional, individual doctorate path, in that students must work with their doctoral supervisor on an independent basis and, when applying, approach the programme with specific research project in mind. The collaborative nature of iGSS and RESOLV provide a supportive research environment for Early Career Researchers. Please see the iGSS Jobs and Training page for detailed application requirements and thoroughly review RESOLV's research and participating scientists before applying.

There is area wide support for international students, for example, through the International Office at RUB, which hosts around 7,000 international students.

Programme Structure

In the preparatory year (Track II) students are expected to:

  • successfully complete a personalized course of studies, including lectures, exercises, seminars, and laboratory practicals

In the first year of the Research Course of studies, the students are expected to:

  • attend an introductory lecture to Solvation Science
  • defend their graduate project at our annual Autumn Workshop
  • participate in the interdisciplinary lecture series held by international experts in the field of Solvation Science

In the second year: 

  • choose an individual lecture based on their graduate project
  • participate in the annual Solvation Science Summer School and Workshop
  • take part in an international internship of up to 3 months at an institute of your choice

In the third year:

  • give an oral presentation at one of our Research Area Workshops

  • contribute to our Public Outreach activities e.g. by writing a comprehensible summary of their thesis, contribute to a science slam, etc.

  • General requirements

    • You hold an A-grade/"very good" qualifying degree at either the level of Master or Diploma to enter the School's Track I OR
    • an A-Grade (3 yr. or, preferably, 4 yr.) Bachelor to enter the School's Track II.
    • Degrees in chemistry, physics, biochemistry, engineering, or a related discipline will be accepted.
    • You are fascinated by the interdisciplinary research field Solvation Science. See our Jobs & Training page for details.
    • See programme page for detailed application requirements including certified documents, Curriculum Vitae, letters of reference, motivation, and proposed doctoral project.
    • Akademische Prüfstelle (APS) is required for students from China, Vietnam, and/or Mongolia.

    Make sure you meet all requirements

  • Academic requirements

    English requirements


    Other requirements
  • Tuition Fee
    Below are the tuition fees for student from India
    Tuition Fee
    Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) does not charge tuition fees.

    Living costs for Bochum
    680-930 EUR/month
    Living costs

The living costs include the total expenses per month, covering accommodation, public transportation, utilities (electricity, internet), books and groceries.


Please visit our Jobs & Training page for more information and updated deadlines. iGSS takes part in the Graduate School Scholarship Program of the DAAD, which provides competitive funding for two international students a year. Applications for the next call will be accepted 15 October - 15 December 202X

StudyTip: Students can search online for independent or external scholarships that can help fund their studies. Check the scholarships to see whether you are eligible to apply. Many scholarships are either merit-based or needs-based.

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