Practice set For CSIR NET, Solved MCQs : f block elements

Practice SET for CSIR NET Examination
f block elements 
CSIR NET Free Practice Previous Year Questions on f Block Elements Questions are given on this web page. These questions have been asked in previous year exams of CSIR NET. Test your knowledge by go through these simple MCQs and match your answers by clicking check answers. 

Q1. Among the following statements, identify the correct ones for complexes of lanthanide (III) ion.

(A) Metal-Ligand bond is significantly ionic
(B) Complexes rarely show isomerism
(C) Coordination number is not more than 8
(D) The magnetic moments are not accounted even approximately by spin only value for majority of lanthanides.
[NET June 2011]
         (a) A, B and D
         (b) A, B and C
         (c) B and C
         (d) A and D

Q2. Statement I: The size of Zr and Hf are similar.
       Statement II: Size of Hf is affected by lanthanide contraction.
[NET June 2011]
(a) Statement I and II are correct and II is the correct explanation of I.
(b) Statement I and II are correct but II is not the correct explanation of I.
(c) Statement I is correct and II is incorrect
(d) Statements I and II are both incorrect.

Q3. The electronic configuration of gadalonium (Gd) is [Xe]4f75d16s2, whereas that of Gd2+ is:
[NET June 2011]
         (a) [Xe]4f55d06s2
         (b) [Xe]4f65d06s2
         (c) [Xe]4f65d16s1
         (d) [Xe]4f75d16s0

Q4. The correct pair of ions for which only ground states J level is populated at room temperature, is
[NET Dec 2019]
         (a) Eu3+ and Sm3+
         (b) Sm3+ and Ce3+
         (c) Ce3+ and Eu3+
         (d) Dy3+ and Ce3+

Q5. The coordination number and geometry of cerium in [Ce(NO3)6]2- respectively are
[NET Dec 2011]
         (a) 6, octahedron
         (b) 6, trigonal prism
         (c) 8, cubic
         (d) 12, icosahedron

Q6. Consider the ions Eu(III), Gd(III), Sm(III) and Lu(III). The overserved and calculated magnetic moments are closest for the pair
[NET Dec 2012]
         (a) Gd(III) and Lu(III)
         (b) Eu(III) and Lu(III)
         (c) Sm(III) and Gd(III)
         (d) Sm(III) and Eu(III)

Q7. The pair of lanthanides with highest third ionization energy is
[NET June 2012]
         (a) Eu, Gd
         (b) Eu, Yb
         (c) Dy, Yb
         (d) Lu, Yb

Q8. The lanthanide (III) ion having the highest partition coefficient between tri-n-butyl phosphate and concentrated HNO3 is:
[NET June 2012]
         (a) La(III)
         (b) Eu(III)
         (c) Nd(III)
         (d) Lu(III)

Q9. Which of the following shows highest solubility in hot concentrated aqueous NaOH solution?
[NET Dec 2012]
         (a) La(OH)3
         (b) Nd(OH)3
         (c) Sm(OH)3
         (d) Lu(OH)3

Q10. Statement I: U(VI) is more stable than Nd(VI)
         Statement II: The valance electrons in U are 5f, 6d and 7s orbitals
[NET Dec 2011]
(a) Statement I and II are correct and II is the correct explanation of I.
(b) Statement I and II are correct but II is not the correct explanation of I.
(c) Statement I is correct and II is incorrect
(d) Statements I and II are both incorrect.

Answer Keys

1.a  2.a  3.d  4.d  5.d  6.a  7.b  8.d  9.d  10.b

The Detailed solution is available on

Hope You Will Find This Quiz on F-Block Elements CSIR NET Free Practice Previous Year Questions Useful!

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