questions on elements and compounds

Are elements heterogeneous or homogeneous?

Ans. Homogeneous. They look alike throughout the sample because they are made up of same kind of alike particles throughout the sample.

Are compounds heterogeneous or homogeneous?

Ans. Compounds are Homogeneous. They look alike throughout the sample because they are alike throughout the sample. Since there is only one substance present, even if it is a combination of elements, it must be alike throughout.

TNT is a compound of carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, and oxygen. Carbon occurs is two common forms—

Graphite (the material in “lead pencils”) & 
Diamond (used in jewelry and glass cutters) 

Oxygen and nitrogen comprise over 98% of the atmosphere. Hydrogen is an element that reacts explosively with oxygen. Which of the properties of the elements determines the properties of TNT?

Ans. The properties of the elements do not matter. The properties of the compound are quite independent of those
of the elements. A compound has its own distinctive set of properties. TNT is most noted for its explosiveness.

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