Sephadex: A Pioneering Gel Filtration Medium by Pharmacia

Sephadex: A Pioneering Gel Filtration Medium by Pharmacia

Sephadex: A Pioneering Gel Filtration Medium by Pharmacia

The Birth of Sephadex

Sephadex owes its existence to the ingenuity and dedication of two brilliant scientists, Jerker Porath and Per Flodin. Working at Pharmacia in the late 1950s, they embarked on a journey to create a gel medium that could effectively separate and purify different biomolecules based on their size and molecular weight.

The Inspiration behind the Name

The name "Sephadex" carries a significant meaning derived from the words "separation" and "Pharmacia dextran." This ingenious name aptly represents the gel's primary purpose, which is to separate and purify biomolecules, along with its connection to the company responsible for its development.

Sephadex: A Cross-Linked Dextran Gel

Sephadex is a type of cross-linked dextran gel, wherein dextran, a complex carbohydrate derived from microorganisms, is carefully cross-linked to form a three-dimensional matrix. This matrix creates a porous structure, allowing the gel to behave as an efficient sieve, sorting molecules based on their size during the process of gel filtration.

The Significance of Gel Filtration

Gel filtration, also known as size exclusion chromatography, is a versatile and widely used chromatographic technique. It separates molecules based on their size and molecular weight, making it ideal for purifying proteins, nucleic acids, and other biomolecules. The unique porous structure of Sephadex beads plays a vital role in achieving high-resolution separations.

Applications of Sephadex

Gel Filtration Columns

Gel filtration columns filled with Sephadex beads are a staple in laboratories worldwide. These columns enable researchers to separate, purify, and analyze a wide range of biomolecules, making them indispensable in various fields, including biochemistry, molecular biology, and biotechnology.

Other Applications

Besides its use in gel filtration columns, Sephadex finds applications in several other areas. These include:

  • Desalting and Buffer Exchange: Sephadex is utilized to remove salts and exchange buffer solutions in biological samples, crucial steps in many biochemical assays.
  • Protein Fractionation: Researchers use Sephadex to fractionate complex protein mixtures, an essential process in proteomic studies.
  • Nucleic Acid Purification: Sephadex facilitates the purification of DNA and RNA molecules, essential for genetic research and diagnostics.


In conclusion, Sephadex stands tall as a testament to scientific innovation and its crucial role in advancing chromatography and bioseparation techniques. Developed by Jerker Porath and Per Flodin at Pharmacia, this cross-linked dextran gel continues to be a cornerstone in laboratories worldwide, enabling researchers to unlock the mysteries of biomolecules and contribute to advancements in various scientific disciplines.

As we move forward, Sephadex's legacy will undoubtedly inspire new generations of scientists to push the boundaries of chromatography and biotechnology, propelling us further toward a better understanding of life's building blocks.

Remember, whether you're working on protein purification, DNA analysis, or other biomolecular separations, Sephadex remains an indispensable ally in your quest for scientific discovery.

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