Coordination Chemistry MCQs 
1. A chelating agent has two or more than two donor atoms to bind to a single metal ion. Which of the following is not a chelating agent?
   (A) Thiosulphato
   (B) Oxalate
   (C) Gycinato
   (D) Ethane-1, 2-diamine

2. The CN and ON of X in the compound [X(SO) (NH)] will be:-
   (A) 10 and 3
   (B) 1 and 6
   (C) 6 and 4
   (D) 6 and 2

3. Which of the following complexes are heteroleptic?
   (A) a,c,d
   (B) b, d
   (C) b, c
   (D) a, c

4. In the complex ion [Fe(EDTA)) the coordination number and oxidation state of central metal ion is:-
   (A) C.N.6 0. N. +3
   (B) C.N.10. N. =-1
   (C) C.N, 4 O. N. = +2
   (D) C.N.3 0. N. = +3

5. The negative ligand is
   (A) Aqua
   (B) Sulphato
   (C) Carbonyl
   (D) Nitrosonium

6. Bidentate ligand is
   (A) CN
   (B) Ethylene diammine (en)
   (C) SCN
   (D) EDTA

7. Select bidentate or didentate ligand from the following
   (A) CO
   (B) SCN
   (C) CH COO
   (D) Co

8. The oxidation and coordination number of Pt in [Pi(C-HCl is respectively:
   (A) + 1,3
   (B) +2.4
   (C) +3,6
   (D) +2,5

9. The oxidation state of iron in Na4[Fe(CN),(NOS)] is
   (B) +2
   (D) Zero
   (C) +1
   (A) 13

10. Which of the following species is not expected to be a ligand"?
    (A) NO
    (B) NH
    (D) CO

11. A reagent used for identifying nickel ion is:-
    (A) Potassium ferrocyanide
    (B) Phenolphthalein
    (C) Dimethyl glyoxime
    (D) EDTA

12. EDTA is used for the estimation of
    (A) Na and K ions
    (B) Halide ions
    (C) Cu and Ag ions
    (D) Ca and My+ ions

13. The coordination number and oxidation number of the central metal ion in the complex [Pt(en):]*is:-
    (A) C, N, 2 ON=-2
    (B) C. N. 6 ON = +4
    (C) C. N. 4 0. N. 4
    (D) C. N. 4 O. N = 2

14. The Donar atoms in EDTA are:
    (A) 4 Nitrogen & 2 Oxygen
    (B) All are Nitrogen
    (C) 2 Nitrogen & 4 Oxygen
    (D) 5 Nitrogen & 1 Oxygen

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