IFS Chemistry practice MCQ test from syllabus described by ICAR/UPSC

### MCQs for Chemistry Exam Preparation: Ace Your Test!
#### Atomic Structure:
1. What principle states that it's impossible to simultaneously know both the precise position and momentum of a particle?
   - A) Pauli Exclusion Principle
   - B) Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle
   - C) Aufbau Principle
   - D) Hund's Rule

2. Which equation describes the behavior of an electron in an atom without regard to its changing position in time?
   - A) Schrödinger Wave Equation
   - B) Bohr's Equation
   - C) Avogadro's Equation
   - D) Heisenberg's Equation

3. What is the shape of a p orbital?
   - A) Spherical
   - B) Dumbbell-shaped
   - C) Cloverleaf-shaped
   - D) Tetrahedral

#### Chemical Bonding:
4. What type of bond forms between atoms with significantly different electronegativities?
   - A) Ionic Bond
   - B) Covalent Bond
   - C) Metallic Bond
   - D) Hydrogen Bond

5. Which theory describes the overlap of atomic orbitals to form a covalent bond?
   - A) Valence Bond Theory
   - B) Molecular Orbital Theory
   - C) Hybridization Theory
   - D) Octet Rule

6. Which molecule exhibits resonance?
   - A) CO2
   - B) HCl
   - C) NaCl
   - D) H2O

#### Solid State Chemistry:
7. What is the crystal structure of NaCl?
   - A) Cubic Close-Packed
   - B) Body-Centered Cubic
   - C) Face-Centered Cubic
   - D) Hexagonal Close-Packed

8. Which type of defect in crystals involves the presence of impurity atoms?
   - A) Stoichiometric Defect
   - B) Non-Stoichiometric Defect
   - C) Schottky Defect
   - D) Frenkel Defect

#### Thermodynamics and Statistical Thermodynamics:
9. Which law of thermodynamics states that entropy of a perfect crystal at absolute zero is zero?
    - A) First Law of Thermodynamics
    - B) Second Law of Thermodynamics
    - C) Third Law of Thermodynamics
    - D) Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics

10. What is the relationship between Gibbs Free Energy (ΔG), enthalpy change (ΔH), and entropy change (ΔS) for a spontaneous process at constant temperature and pressure?
    - A) ΔG = ΔH - TΔS
    - B) ΔG = ΔH + TΔS
    - C) ΔG = -ΔH - TΔS
    - D) ΔG = -ΔH + TΔS

#### Electrochemistry:

11. Which theory describes the behavior of strong electrolytes in solution?
    - A) Arrhenius Theory
    - B) Debye-Huckel Theory
    - C) Bronsted-Lowry Theory
    - D) Lewis Theory

12. What is the function of a salt bridge in a galvanic cell?
    - A) To allow the flow of electrons
    - B) To balance the charge buildup
    - C) To prevent the mixing of solutions
    - D) To increase the cell potential

#### Chemical Kinetics:

13. What is the overall order of a reaction if its rate is dependent on the concentration of two reactants, each raised to the first power?
    - A) First order
    - B) Second order
    - C) Third order
    - D) Zero order

14. Which theory of chemical kinetics focuses on the activated complex or transition state?
    - A) Collision Theory
    - B) Transition State Theory
    - C) Rate-Determining Step Theory
    - D) Reaction Mechanism Theory

#### Photochemistry:

15. Which process occurs when a molecule absorbs light and undergoes a chemical transformation?
    - A) Photodissociation
    - B) Photoisomerization
    - C) Photoreduction
    - D) Photolysis

#### Surface Phenomena and Catalysis:

16. What type of adsorption occurs when molecules from the gas phase bind to the surface of a solid?
    - A) Chemisorption
    - B) Physisorption
    - C) Desorption
    - D) Absorption

#### Coordination Chemistry:

17. What is the coordination number of a metal ion in a complex with four ligands?
    - A) 4
    - B) 5
    - C) 6
    - D) 8

18. Which theory explains the magnetic properties of coordination complexes based on the interaction between ligands and metal ions?
    - A) Valence Bond Theory
    - B) Crystal Field Theory
    - C) Ligand Field Theory
    - D) Molecular Orbital Theory

#### General Chemistry of 'f' Block Elements:

19. What is the phenomenon called when the atomic and ionic radii of lanthanides decrease uniformly across the series?
    - A) Actinide Contraction
    - B) Lanthanide Contraction
    - C) Fajans' Rule
    - D) Hund's Rule

20. Which element is commonly used as a surrogate for calcium in biological systems?
    - A) Thorium
    - B) Uranium
    - C) Neptunium
    - D) Europium

#### Non-Aqueous Solvents:

21. What is the most common non-aqueous solvent used in chemical reactions?
    - A) Liquid NH3
    - B) HF
    - C) SO2
    - D) H2SO4

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